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Seasons Greetings From The First Lady Of Burundi To The President of AFLPM – H.E. (Dr) Mrs Aisha Muhammadu Buhari

Seasons Greetings From H.E Madam Angeline Ndayishimiye Ndayubaha (First Lady of The Republic of Burundi) To The President of AFLPM - H.E. (Dr) Mrs Aisha Muhammadu Buhari

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Communique Of The AFLPM 9th General Assembly

22nd November, 2021


  1. The 9th Summit of the African First Ladies Peace (AFLPM) was held on 22nd November, 2021, at the Conference Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja, Nigeria.
  2. The Summit was attended by the following African First Ladies:

(1)     Her Excellency Dr (Mrs.) Aisha Muhammadu Buhari, First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

(2)     Her Excellency Rebecca Akufo-Addo, First Lady of the Republic of Ghana

(3)     Her Excellency Madame Antionette Sassou Nguesso, First Lady of Republic of Congo Brazzaville

(4)     Her Excellency Fatima Maada Bio, First Lady of the Republic of Sierra-Leone

(6)     Her Excellency, Maria De Fatima Vila Nova, First Lady of Sao Tome and Principe

(7)     Her Excellency, Clar M. Weah, First Lady of Liberia

(8)     Her Excellency the First Lady of the Republic of Namibia represented by H.E. Humphrey Geiseb, the High Commissioner of Namibia to Nigeria 

(9)     Her Excellency Angeline Ndayubaha Ndayishimiye First Lady of Burundi

(10)    Her Excellency, First Lady of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, represented by Mrs. Naha Cheikh Sidiya, the Hon. Minister of Social Action, Children and Families

(11)    Her Excellency, First Lady of Cote D’Ivoire, represented by Hon. Mrs. Toure Nasseneba, Minister of Women, Families and Children

(12)    Her Excellency, First Lady of Zimbabwe, represented by Hon.Oppah Chamu Zvipange Muchinguri Kashiri M. P., Minister Defence

(13)    Her Excellency, First Lady of The Gambia, represented by H.E. Mohammadou Musa Njie, High Commissioner of The Gambia to Nigeria

  1. The Summit was also attended by other dignitaries:

(1)     His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic Nigeria

(2)     Her Excellency, Dr. Dolapo Osinbajo, Wife of the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

(3)     H.E. Mrs Finda Koroma, ECOWAS Vice President

(4)     Professor Ibrahim Gambari, the Chief of Staff to the President of Nigeria

(5)     Mr. Boss Mustapha, Secretary to the Government of the Federation (Nigeria)

(6)     His Excellency, Geoffrey Onyeama, Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs (Nigeria)

(7)     Dame Pauline Tallen, Hon. Minister of Women Affairs (Nigeria)

(8)     Alhaji Lai Mohammed, Hon. Minister of Information and Culture

(9)     Alhaji Muhammed Musa Bello, Hon. Minister of FCT (Nigeria)

(10)    Wives of all the Nigerian Service chiefs

(11)    Representatives of international organisations and development partners

  1. The First Lady of Nigeria, H.E. Dr. Aisha Buhari delivered the welcome address and highlighted the importance of convening the Summit at this very critical moment that Africa is faced with challenges of violent conflicts, natural disasters, climate change, and COVID 19 pandemic.
  1. Goodwill messages were received from the following dignitaries:

(1) H.E. Geoffrey Onyeama, Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs

(2) H.E. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, First Lady of the Republic of Ghana

(3) Her Excellency Madame AntionetteSassouNguesso First Lady of Republic of Congo Brazzaville

(4) Representative of Her Excellency, First Lady of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

(5) H.E. Fatima Maada Bio, First Lady of the Republic of Sierra-Leone

  1. The Summit was declared open by the Special Guest of Honour, His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR, President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  2. Appraised the conflict situations in Africa in view of rising threats to peace and security as occasioned by violent conflicts, terrorism, COVID 19 pandemic, and climate change.
  3. Noted the escalating threats of insecurity and violence have continued to affect development and heightened poverty and deprivation with depressing effects on women and children that bear the greatest consequences.
  4. Further Noted that these rising threats to peace, security and development point to the important role of women, especially the African First Ladies Peace Mission (AFLPM) in confronting the existential socioeconomic challenges, which provides the drive for the intractable violent conflicts and violent crimes across African communities.
  5. Resolved to elect H.E. Dr. Aisha MuhammaduBuhari, the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as the 9th President of AFLPM. The newly elected President accepted the onerous task placed on her by her colleagues and pledged to discharge it with utmost commitment, honesty, humility and inclusivity.
  6. Resolved to commit towards resource mobilization for the construction of the Permanent Secretariat of AFLPM in Abuja, Nigeria, and appreciated the Nigerian Government for its support for the provision of land, the Interim Secretariat, and among others.
  7. Agreed to expedient action on the Draft Constitution of the AFLPM and circulate to all the African First Ladies for their considerations and necessary inputs.
  8. Called for support and assistance of Africans, international organisations, development partners and other critical stakeholders towards the actualization of the vision and mission of AFLPM.

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AFLPM 9th General Assembly – In Pictures

The 9th General Assembly In Photos

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Canada Pledges Support To The African First Ladies Peace Mission

Canada Pledges Support To African First Ladies Peace Mission



The Government of Canada has pledged cooperation and support to the African First Ladies Peace Mission, AFLPM, in pursuit of the Mission’s peacebuilding efforts on the African continent. This was the outcome of Friday’s virtual meeting between the Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on AFLPM, Dr. Mairo Al-Makura, on the Mission’s side, and the Canadian Minister of International Development, Karina Gould, and the Canadian Ambassador for Women, Peace and Security, Jacqueline O’Neill. Speaking during the meeting, Gould and O’Neill commended the valuable efforts of the AFLPM, which they acknowledged, had been working relentlessly on peacebuilding initiatives within Africa. The Canadian officials, therefore, expressed the interest of the Government of Canada in deepening its cooperation with the AFLPM in promoting women, peace, and security in Africa.

In her opening remarks, Dr. Al Makura, highlighted women’s role in peacebuilding, the systemic barriers often faced by women in conflict settings and how Canada could further support the goals of the AFLPM on the continent. “Through the years, the AFLPM has leveraged its privilege and access to power to foster diplomatic and political relationship towards achieving peace, with a particular focus on the needs of the women and children of Africa. “With the 47 member-states making up the mission well utilised as vehicles to promote peacebuilding and conflict resolution through feminist lens, we have the unique ability to quickly mobilise and advocate for change. “Also, the Peace Mission is embarking on Advocacy for women on the need to take COVID-19 vaccines alongside their families” Dr. Mairo Al-Makura stated. She emphasised the need for Canada and AFLPM to establish ways to deepen relationship and mobilise resources for the AFLPM secretariat to advance the women, peace and security agenda, gender equality, and the broader Sustainable Development Goals objectives on the African continent.  

The Peace Mission and the Government of Canada also discussed several regional peace, security and humanitarian issues and the need to resolve conflicts through political dialogue and increased women’s participation in conflict-prevention efforts. Meanwhile, the African First Ladies Peace Mission was an outcome of the 1995 Fourth World Conference on women in Beijing, China, where the initiative was taken to establish the African First Ladies Forum by African wives of African Heads of State/Presidents who came together as ambassadors of peace during the conference.

Dr Mairo Al-Makura

Special Assistant to the President on African First Ladies Peace mission

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International Day of The African Child – 2021

THEME: 30years After The Adoption Of The Charter; Accelerate The Implementation Of The Agenda 2040 For An Africa Fit For Children

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International Day for The Elimination of Violence Against Women – 2020

THEME: Orange The World; Fund | Respond | Prevent | Collect

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International Women’s Day – 2021

Message from Dr. Mairo Al-Makura, Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on African First Ladies Peace Mission

Today on International Women’s Day, we celebrate the many achievements of women and girls in Africa and across the globe. We are inspired by the effective leadership that women have demonstrated during the current pandemic. Women have brilliantly stepped-up to this challenging period with strength and courage while adjusting to rapidly unfolding circumstances. In doing so, they have reminded the world of the importance of women’s presence in leadership positions.


Although we have seen tremendous progress on women’s rights and leadership over the last few years, the pandemic is threatening to reverse the gains that have been made. The pandemic has disproportionally impacted women in many areas, particularly gender-based violence. While the world implemented lockdown measures introduced to curb the pandemic, there has been a spike in reported domestic violence and conflict-related violence against women and girls. To ensure that the Covid-19 response and recovery acknowledges their realities, women need to have a seat at the decision-making table.


The African First Ladies Peace Mission celebrates African women who continuously play a crucial role in furthering peace on the continent. We must not lose sight that gender equality and women’s rights are fundamental to the continent’s progress on peace, security and human rights. We recommit ourselves to advocate for the right to peace and protection for all women and girls across Africa.


The development of Africa cannot be achieved without women’s efforts and contributions. On this International Women’s Day, let’s empower and encourage African women and girls to ensure their participation in all decision-making levels.

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