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AFLPM Leadership Development Seminar for First Ladies – 2020

THEME: The First Lady as Leader and Mobiliser of Women and Youth for Peace Building, Community Conflict Resolution and Resilience in the Post-Covid19 Era


This seminar is being organised by the African First Ladies Peace Mission, (AFLPM) in collaboration with the Office of the First Lady of Nigeria and CTP International, a UKNigeria based executive learning and development consultancy.The AFLPM has as its mandate the promotion of peace and development in Africa through supporting victims of conflict and using appropriate mechanisms and institutions to protect women and children in conflict areas. This seminar will contribute to the personal and professional development of participants, as leaders, whilst creating space for knowledge sharing and peertopeer networking. The programme is endorsed by the Institute of Leadership Development as an executive development programme. The threat to peace and security in communities is an existential one in contemporary Nigeria. The impact of Covid19 is more pronounced in communities where poverty is most widespread and awareness of safe health practices is lowest. But even that sad situation is further complicated by the collateral pandemic of genderbased violence which has exploded on the scene since theCovid19induced lockdown. Globally, the COVID19 pandemic and its social and economic impacts have created a global crisis unparalleled in history. Young people and women are particularly vulnerable to the disruptions the pandemic has caused. Many young people are now at risk of being left behind in education, economic opportunities, and health and wellbeing during a crucial stage of their life development. Young people are more likely to be impacted by economic disruptions, conflict and community strife. It therefore falls upon those in a position (such as the First Ladies) whose mandate is to bring hope and succour to those segments of the populace, and to demonstrate the requisite leadership. The youth are also least likely to put up and shut up, for too long, as the peaceful global protest against police brutality and other grievances have demonstrated. This event offers an important platform for further dialogue and engagement with the youth, thereby complementing the efforts of government in reaching and reconnecting with this critical demographic.



The choice of theme is informed by the highly important role First Ladies all over the world play in helping to hold the pieces of society together in their various domains. As undisputed leaders in all ramifications, First Ladies are a key bridge between ordinary people, trusted by the people to convey their feelings, hopes and aspirations to the very heart of their spouses, the leaders in authority, in order to influence better outcomes for the people. Theme therefore recognises this important role and aims to explore the various ways in which these enormous tasks are undertaken by First Ladies, hence: “THE FIRST LADY AS LEADER & MOBILISER OF WOMEN & YOUTH FOR PEACE BUILDING,COMMUNITY CONFLICT RESOLUTION& RESILIENCE IN THE POSTCOVID19 ERA”


The event aims to connect Nigeria’s First Ladies as leaders and mobilisers of women and youth in their various states with subject matter experts and practitioners, to rub minds and share perspectives on the subject, with a view to deepening their knowledge and enhancing their executive capacity.


  1. Identify key linkages between peace and development within the Covid19 pandemic realities.
  2. Reflect on the role of the AFLPM in addressing the issue of causes and consequences of conflict and the process for its prevention, management and resolution in various communities.
  3. Explore some tools, techniques and strategies including social and political capital for preventing, managing and resolving conflict and building peace in their respective communities such as sports.
  4. Evaluate the role of First Ladies of the various states in Nigeria as mindful, transformational leaders, influencers and mobilisers of women and youth for peacebuilding and conflict prevention in their various states, with particular focus on the impact of Covid19 on these populations.
  5. Network, connect and cocreate opportunities for action, thereby deepening the social and political capital available to them.


Participants will

  • Gain further skills in conflict prevention and peacebuilding to help in fostering harmonious coexistence within their domains.
  • Increase their influence on engagement processes through peacebuilding, for improved outcomes in the various communities in Nigeria, particularly for women and young people.
  • Contribute more effectively to mitigating the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on peacebuilding, efforts in their communities
  • Enhance their career as leaders through the achievement of certification by Institute of Leadership Development(ILD).

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Day of The African Child – 2020

Press Release:
Aisha Buhari marks day of the African Child, advocates child-friendly services

First Lady, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Aisha Muhammadu Buhari has acknowledged that children often find it difficult to access legal services, especially those who live in remote rural communities. She therefore advocated for child-friendly service to promote children’s legal rights and interests, especially through strengthening of Legal Aid services in Nigeria.
Mrs. Buhari, who was represented by Dr. Mairo Tanko Almakura, Special Assistant to the President on African First Ladies Peace Mission, was speaking at an event to mark the 2020 Day of the African Child, which held at the African First Ladies Peace Mission Secretariat, Abuja on 16th June, 2020.

Mrs. Buhari observed that the theme of the event, which is “access to a child-friendly justice system in Africa”, reflects the helplessness of children to the various forms of abuse that they are subjected to. She charged the appropriate authorities in African countries to provide child-friendly services such as free 24 hours helplines, child complaint centers, child offenders’ courts and free legal advice for juveniles. She further called for states in Nigeria that are yet to promulgate the Child Rights Act (Laws) to do so without any further delay. This has become imperative especially with the recent happenings in our country where even children are not spared by predators and pedophiles.


She implored children and their Parents/Guardians not to be silent in the face of abuse but speak out against any inappropriate behavior against them.

Speaking earlier, National Coordinator, African First Ladies Peace Mission Secretariat, Mrs. Beatrice Bassey, said the Day of the African Child provides occasion for the Mission and other stakeholders to renew their ongoing commitments towards improving the plight of the African child particularly with the current COVID-19 Pandemic. She said there is no doubt that African children face different types of abuse including rape, trafficking and child labour.

She stated that the day raises awareness of the continuing need for improvement of the education provided to African children.

The Day of the African Child was initiated by the then Organization of African Unity (OAU) now African Union (AU) to commemorate 1976 uprising in Soweto South Africa, where school children were brutally repressed by the police for protesting against apartheid inspired education policy. It is celebrated on June 16th every year since 1991.

Highlight of the event was an interactive session with the children on the challenges they face in education and how they want the system improved.

Aliyu Abdullahi
Special Assistant to the President on Media & Publicity
(Office of the First Lady)
June 16, 2020

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