H.E. Dr. Mrs. Aisha Muhammadu Buhari
Her Excellency Dr. Mrs Aisha M. Buhari is the Former First Lady of Nigeria from 2015 to 2023. During her tenure, she also served as President of the African First Ladies Peace Mission.
Her Presidency is celebrated for the historic achievement of building and commissioning of the AFLPM_MIPREDA’s Secretariat in 2023, also know as the Peace Mission.
H.E Buhari’s educational background includes Public Administration and a Master’s degree in International Affairs and Strategic Studies. Through her charitable initiatives, H.E Mrs. Buhari continues to advocate for the rights of women and children emphasising the need for young girls to receive primary and secondary school education before marriage.
A passionate and committed Advocate for women’s advancement and inclusion in the peace and policy space across Africa, Her Excellency Mrs. Buhari continues to serve Africa’s peace and mediation agenda in the role of Chairperson of the Honorary Advisory Council(H.A.C) of AFLPM-MIPREDA.